Winter is Coming in 2020 For Those Not Prepared... Are Your Members Ready?
As of the writing of this blog, new technology advances have been released that are game
changers for many industries. Each month, new advances in automation are taking shape that will create opportunity or eliminate your member's business model.
New advances that have been recently launched are:
Amazon GO Stores
Located in Seattle, Washington and tested over three years with their employees, Amazon went live with their first brick and mortar GO Store. With "waiting in long checkout line" being the #1 pain point for consumers in retail stores, Amazon's GO Store has no checkout lines. You may be asking, "So how do you pay for your good?" Very simple... When you enter, you scan your Amazon GO Store app. Once inside, anything you pick up and put in your physical cart, gets put in your online cart. When you walk out of the store, the app charges your credit card and you are immediately sent a receipt. ALL with no human interaction or checkout lines. The employees you do see and there for assistance and stocking. This is HUGE for any industry in retail or supporting retail in that it minimizes the number of people it takes to deal with a consumer.
LG out of South Korea is launching in 2018 robots to automate three customer service interactions:
Serving Food and Beverage at Hotels and Airports
Hotel Check-In and Check-Out Services
Customer Help in Supermarkets Telling Them Price and Where Products Are
When you look at how many people are employed in these key areas, this is another HUGE development in the world of workforce development and automation.
These are just a few recent emerging technologies that will begin to have big impact on industry business models. It is critical between now and 2020, your association be getting information at all levels in your member's hands so they can make informed choices of how they will compete in the next decade.
Some key steps every business needs to take in 2018 are:
Looking deep in their business to analyze
where the Friction, Anxiety and Stress exist in the following areas:
Customer Service
Overall Business Model
Leverage the use of the Internet of Thing" that include the following components to maximize people, productivity and profits:
Human Capital
Doing business planning once a year is no longer good enough. It is important your members are doing a value assessment on what their company brings to market and what threats exist in real time at least once a quarter.
Failure of companies to engage new thinking on how technology, consumer buying habit changes and demographic shifts will impact them long term, will see their companies erode and wonder why. Don't let this happen to your members.
I've spoken to over 75 associations the last 5 years and it doesn't matter what industry you are in. Disruption is coming fast or is already on top of you.
Engage your members in the disruption discussion NOW. Companies, professions and associations who allow change to get out in front of them will see their business models fade or disappear. Stay ahead of change and win the race of market disruption. Winter is coming in 2020 ... Will your members be prepared?
Take a moment to consider hosting me at your next annual conference to present my nationally known keynote, When UBERIZAT/ON Collides With Your Industry.
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