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Visuals Located In Book







The Path to the Ulimate Life


pages 21, 32, 186, 235, 272, 282


The 4 Squares represent the four areas that influence 99% of everything that happens in your relationships, financial decisions, phsical health and career.


They are:


Choices - Are they good or bad

Money - How you invest it

People - Who you surround yourself with

Time - How you spend it


The 4 words on the outside are the four attibutes you need to excel at to be great at the four boxes.


Five Groups of People That

Make Up Your Life


page 38


Inner Circle = YOUR People


Outer Circle = Everyone Else


Stages of Life Visual


page 63


Life Block Exercise


page 71


The visual to the left has 78 blocks in it. This represents the average number of years a human lives. Color in a block for each year you have been alive.  For example, if you are 34, color in 34 blocks. 


What is left in what is how much time you have left to build the Ultimate Life You Desire. 


Why Have a Life Plan Visual


Pages 155, 159

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