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Forward by Dr. Rick Marks PhD


Having been in the field of psychology, counseling, ministry and personal development over the last 28 years I have learned much about life. Having come from a broken home and having battled challenges in my own life, I struggled along in my early twenty’s trying to find balance and success. Fortunately, some great teachers came into my life and I learned a new way of thinking and how to become successful as a man, a husband, a father, and in my vocation. The man I am today has been a composite of the inputs I received from my teachers and my willingness to be teachable.

Along life’s journey people come into your life and they go. One such person I met in 1999 was Tom Morrison. Tom came to visit me as he was starting a city wide initiative to help singles find their potential and be successful in their lives emotionally, spiritually and relationally. His passion for helping others was infectious. I would sit back and marvel at this man (who became a friend and an encourager to me personally) who could inspire not only individuals but groups. As I got to know Tom personally and learned of his life’s journey (and some of that I got to walk through with him) I found a man who could learn from his choices, from the things that happened to him, and overcome all of these to live out what he calls the Ultimate Life. His ability to connect with others, network, inspire, motivate, encourage and teach others is truly his gifting. And more than academic, the things he teaches come from who he is as a man, a result of living life and living by the principles he introduces to you in this his first book.


Tom asked me to read his book. I was honored to be asked and was glad to do so. Then I sat down to read it. Wow! As I was reading I could hear Tom talking to a crowd. I could not only hear Tom’s heart and words in the book, but I could also picture him teaching others. This book is true to the author. It is Tom Morrison. Through vulnerability, authenticity, humility and his characteristic humor, he takes the reader into not only the various challenges people experience but applies his paradigm for success to each situation. Whether you are married, unemployed, single, a single parent, a leader or a follower, the principles taught in this book will inspire and encourage you to live and experience the Ultimate Life.


All I can say is that as I read this book I found myself screaming “YES!” I so agree. Tom has been able to capture the principles of personal development, psychology, spirituality and put them together in a simple, yet profound message. Yet it is so very practical. And after all, isn’t that what we really need today? A practical and inspirational approach to living life to its fullest. By taking the time to invest in reading his insights and wisdom, and applying these simple and practical actions, I hope you find people screaming your name and begging for more of what you have.


Dr. Marks is one of the country’s premier experts on life, relationships and communication skills. Dr. Marks has counseled thousands of couples and speaks to small companies to Fortune 500 companies throughout the U.S. on building sound life and relationship skills that last.

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